Posted in Environment Resources Social Justice

Workshop: Climate Change & Colonialism

Workshop: Climate Change & Colonialism Posted on 10 January 20192 Comments

As part of Scottish Book Week and Lighthouse Books, I ran a small workshop on how climate change was the result of the colonial legacy. This workshop went into depth about now the European construct of ‘nature’ allowed for climate change to happen and how myths of ‘Progress’ allow it to continue.

The presentation of this workshop is available here:

Climate Change: The on-going legacy of colonialism by Nishma Doshi

2 thoughts on “Workshop: Climate Change & Colonialism

  1. Hi Nish,
    I’m an XR Scotland activist & interested in how we can be more inclusive as a movement and how we can communicate better on climate and colonialism. I had a look at your presentation. While you analyse the “problem” quite well, I felt like it stopped just when it was getting most interesting! Would like to know more about ecological struggles in the global south.

    For the Earth,


    1. Thanks for your comment, Robert. I am planning to run some workshops for XR which are a little more introductory and explore more of the basic processes of how climate colonialism works in practice.

      In the meanwhile you are more than welcome to research what’s going on in the global south yourself. There are plenty of good articles online (see New Internationalist for a starting point), and plenty of books & campaigns.

      Furthermore, please don’t look to the Global South as those which need to solve climate change. The historic emissions, and corporate & monetary power is very much still in the hands of the West (& China, these days). We should be listening to what they have to say, what they are demanding as change and making sure that that happens. It’s our problem which we have put on the rest of the world.

      I’ll be sharing a reading list with the workshops I’m going to be running, so please look out for that too.

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