It’s been a few months since I read Samir Amin’s Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism? but one of the key chapters remains a thought through everything I…
We once were revolutionaries
We once were revolutionaries. We believed in a better world, a just world, a world where every person was never alone. We inked pages with dreams for that world. We…
I am a woman, even if I can kick
At 5, I became an active feminist. On my first day of school in Dallas, while queueing for something or other, a boy behind me announced proudly, “Girls can’t kick.”…
3 Fundamental Flaws in Cameron’s Speech on Immigration
David Cameron has declared that all of Britain is scared about rising immigration numbers. He’s declared that most immigrants move to the UK through sham marriages. He’s argued that immigration…
6 Billion Ways: Accumulation by African Dispossession
Capitalism has been spurred on by dispossession. Every accumulation of capital is not free, but a debt to that which has been dispossessed. Our capital accumulation is a blood debt….