Corbyn’s rise is a rise towards a less established and more grassroots way of doing politics.
Our future is now. Reclaim the Commons!
Many contemporary political trends are focussed on the negative. That is, a fight to prevent neoliberal measure. The anti-austerity movement, for example, is focussed on fighting cuts to public services…
If a person speaks and no-one listens, do they have a voice?
Everyone has a right to free speech but only a few are heard. As World Social Forum 2013 opens its doors in Tunis today, I mused on how little the…
David Cameron has blood on his hands
This is a repost of a piece written by Bethan Jones. Today I was found guilty in the Oxford Magistrates’ Court of causing “harassment, alarm and distress” following a peaceful…
The racism of tram woman is only the tip of the iceberg
Many liberal mouths fell open as they watched the now famous tram woman loudly mouth, “You ain’t British, you’re black,” followed by the ever-so-common, “Why don’t you go back to…
Costing employment: regulation, high pay and redistribution
Shutters are shut, graffitti scrawled over the surface. Windows display vacant rooms. Old signs have letters falling off. It’s nearly Christmas, but the streets are empty – except at the…
Riots Shock Doctrine: a right to freedom of expression
“Tory MP: Plain disgusting these riots, aren’t they? Youths ganging up… It’s immoral and raucous black thu- David Cameron: Blackberrys, you mean? I agree. Social networks have brought a plague…
London Riots: the fuel is not the ignition
Growing up in Nairobi, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen violence, or a riot. Burning cars, smashed windows, looting – I’ve seen it all before. But no riot comes…
Lefties – unite!
Men and women of the Left, we face a predicament. Our predicament is simple – we are divided. We are divided by parties, by gender, by class, by a million…
Exclusive: Sandhurst continued training for Bahraini officers despite protest crackdown
British Military Academy Sandhurst continued to train 5 Bahraini Officers throughout the ongoing murder and abuse of democracy protesters, Bright Green and Topsoil can reveal. The information, revealed to Bright…