I’m not from the UK. I have a British passport, but I don’t feel “British”. In fact, I don’t really feel like my nationality should really define my identity at…
Belonging, Meaning and Society
As a “cultural” Jain, seeing the green social movement move away from vegetarianism is rather upsetting. I am vegetarian not for for fluffy reasons of “save the animals” or of…
Austerity: Where the innocent have to prove themselves not guilty
I am angry. Angry that the government that I did not elect is cutting off benefits to millions of people who desperately need it. Angry that I am lied to…
At the brink of civil war, stop the violence!
“When people turn on their TVs and see this footage, they’ll say, ‘Oh my God, that’s horrible,’ and then they’ll go back to eating their dinners” ~ Hotel Rwanda Watching…