Many contemporary political trends are focussed on the negative. That is, a fight to prevent neoliberal measure. The anti-austerity movement, for example, is focussed on fighting cuts to public services…
the time for building
I have a proposal. My proposal is simple. My proposal is that you, dear reader, take 5 minutes, and you dream. I want to you to dream about what kind…
Decolonising Development – thoughts on John Hilary’s Poverty of Capitalism
Policies. Theories. Models. Ideologies. It is fascinating how abstracted our politics have become from real life experiences. A couple of months ago, John Hilary caused quite a stir by calling…
Inclusive Movement? A call to action
When Suzanne Dhaliwal wrote this response to my concerns over mental health stigma in the workplace, I began to wonder how many times I had met other women of colour…
The system doesn’t work. Then why are we fighting to save it?
“In the Cold War,” the academic stated excitedly, “at least we had an alternative we could fight for! Now, when the cuts come, we have nothing.” It’s strange how we…
David Cameron has blood on his hands
This is a repost of a piece written by Bethan Jones. Today I was found guilty in the Oxford Magistrates’ Court of causing “harassment, alarm and distress” following a peaceful…
Is it all in Black & White?
It’s us against the world, the old rhetoric goes. Much of my experience in activist circles has been fighting old dualistic battles: rich versus poor; Keynes versus Hayek; and West…
A Radical Idea: a bloggers solidarity?
“We’ve got to radicalise the mainstream media,” piped up one of the attendees, “That’s where every other revolution failed.”I tried to hide my scoffing, but I’ve never been able to…
We once were revolutionaries, and we can be again
When I wrote previously about the lack of vision within the current left, my hope was to create a call to arms. I hoped to start a discussion on where…
We once were revolutionaries
We once were revolutionaries. We believed in a better world, a just world, a world where every person was never alone. We inked pages with dreams for that world. We…