“In the Cold War,” the academic stated excitedly, “at least we had an alternative we could fight for! Now, when the cuts come, we have nothing.” It’s strange how we…
LSE – introductory thoughts
It’s a harrowing experience if you’re a newbie entering the vast world of LSE postgraduate studies. Information about orientation is only sent to you via email less than a month…
Marx: out of date with Globalisation?
This is the first part of a series on the end of the left & right. Feel free to submit your own by emailing me. Unlike many of my political…
Book Review: Counterpower, by Tim Gee
We are a generation facing failed economic policies, high expenses without the means to pay for them, a lack of employment opportunities that mirrors the Great Depression, and a government…
Intelligence, innovation & disruption: renewing anticuts
If you’re feeling a little under the weather with councils announcing their cuts to schools, housing, jobs and services – this is not the time to sink back and accept…