In order to be listened to, respected and get paid for it, the many institutions of campaigning culture prefer those who are not “different”. When access needs are asked for, a lack of funds is immediately cited. When a more inclusive way of organising is asked for, empty promises ensue. And through all of this, disabled people are just expected to adapt or remove themselves from the space.
David Cameron has blood on his hands
This is a repost of a piece written by Bethan Jones. Today I was found guilty in the Oxford Magistrates’ Court of causing “harassment, alarm and distress” following a peaceful…
Book Review: Counterpower, by Tim Gee
We are a generation facing failed economic policies, high expenses without the means to pay for them, a lack of employment opportunities that mirrors the Great Depression, and a government…
Wangari Maathai: a personal memorandum
It’s 1997. A girl lies curled up on the sofa watching the flickering images on the TV, perhaps a little passed her bedtime. They’re showing the presidential candidates, one of…
We once were revolutionaries, and we can be again
When I wrote previously about the lack of vision within the current left, my hope was to create a call to arms. I hoped to start a discussion on where…
Exclusive: Sandhurst continued training for Bahraini officers despite protest crackdown
British Military Academy Sandhurst continued to train 5 Bahraini Officers throughout the ongoing murder and abuse of democracy protesters, Bright Green and Topsoil can reveal. The information, revealed to Bright…
Officer A3002 is Guilty of Misuse of Law
2009. The year the police became anonymous. The year terrorism meant that pub lic accountability went down the drain. The year they brought in Section 76 of the Counter Terrorism…
Where is Democracy?
Over the last few weeks, I have seen the voices of hundreds of thousands ignored. I have seen education slip through the margins of accessibility. I have seen debate crushed…
I stand with ALL the protesters
On Saturday, I walked with over half a million people down Embankment. These people were workers, residents, families, students, and the unemployed. All in all, I was shocked at the…
Austerity: Where the innocent have to prove themselves not guilty
I am angry. Angry that the government that I did not elect is cutting off benefits to millions of people who desperately need it. Angry that I am lied to…