Jain values taught me compassion, solidarity and anti-capitalism. They drove my need to seek social justice and challenge the way in which we live today.
The system doesn’t work. Then why are we fighting to save it?
“In the Cold War,” the academic stated excitedly, “at least we had an alternative we could fight for! Now, when the cuts come, we have nothing.” It’s strange how we…
Is it all in Black & White?
It’s us against the world, the old rhetoric goes. Much of my experience in activist circles has been fighting old dualistic battles: rich versus poor; Keynes versus Hayek; and West…
The Economy Game
In his study of Governmentality, in amongst many other points of analysis, Foucault points to the de-estabilishment of the economy from the family framework as the turning point to our…
Belonging, Meaning and Society
As a “cultural” Jain, seeing the green social movement move away from vegetarianism is rather upsetting. I am vegetarian not for for fluffy reasons of “save the animals” or of…
We once were revolutionaries
We once were revolutionaries. We believed in a better world, a just world, a world where every person was never alone. We inked pages with dreams for that world. We…
Now is the moment for progressives to go Green
This post was first published on The Disraeli Room, on behalf of the Young Greens. It has been a bitter winter: unprecedented snowfall, steep hikes in fuel prices, and the…