Shutters are shut, graffitti scrawled over the surface. Windows display vacant rooms. Old signs have letters falling off. It’s nearly Christmas, but the streets are empty – except at the…
Neocolonialism: the blind spot of the West
It’s been a few months since I read Samir Amin’s Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism? but one of the key chapters remains a thought through everything I…
I am a woman, even if I can kick
At 5, I became an active feminist. On my first day of school in Dallas, while queueing for something or other, a boy behind me announced proudly, “Girls can’t kick.”…
Where is Democracy?
Over the last few weeks, I have seen the voices of hundreds of thousands ignored. I have seen education slip through the margins of accessibility. I have seen debate crushed…
Austerity: Where the innocent have to prove themselves not guilty
I am angry. Angry that the government that I did not elect is cutting off benefits to millions of people who desperately need it. Angry that I am lied to…
6 Billion Ways: Accumulation by African Dispossession
Capitalism has been spurred on by dispossession. Every accumulation of capital is not free, but a debt to that which has been dispossessed. Our capital accumulation is a blood debt….