There should be no mistake by any party that Somalia’s famine has been caused by Climate Change. As thousands struggle to find food on the border between Kenya and Somalia, we must remember that this tragedy is just as much our responsibility as it is the misfortune of those suffering from hunger.
For months, the UN has been crying out about the growing food insecurity in the region, and for months we have not reacted. Crops have failed, there have been long droughts and scarcity of drinking water, and in all that environmental disaster – fighting has broken out. What else would you expect when there are more mouths to feed than food to feed them with?
Imports of food have been impossible – Somalia lacks a stable governments (partially thanks to the arms trade funding by the West) and food prices have been on the rise since commodity speculation became the key financial game after the sub-prime mortgage crash. For the same reason, high fuel prices have meant people cannot afford any imported foods anyway.
How many more people will have to suffer and die before we act? How many more people will the government ignore before regulation is placed to both scupper the inhumane practice of food speculation? How many more “natural” disasters will happen before we actually start taking climate change seriously?
We need to grow up. We need to start taking reponsibility for our actions. If not – we will be bringing about the next genocide, whether willingly or not. So I urge you – write to the FCO or call them on 02070081500 with your concerns about climate change, high food & fuel prices and the resulting famine in Somalia. This is not a time to remain silent.