Posted in Personal

when hope isn’t necessary anymore

when hope isn’t necessary anymore Posted on 21 August 20142 Comments

I have  tendency to write personal posts when I am despairing, or on the brink of falling apart. But this post is different. It is about the beauty of humanity, about the amazing and lovely people you can meet in the world, and is a thank you message.

The last 10 or so months I’ve been in York have been a rollercoaster, and for good reason. I’ve been broken, stumbling through the darkest of tunnels, often with no end in sight. But in the midst of it have also been some beautiful times. Food not Bombs has given me hope and inspiration, and through it I have met the most remarkable and genuine people.

People who see the world for what it is rather than high and mighty political slogans. People whose authenticness glows through their skin, and makes anyone and everyone feel at home with them. People who genuinely care about others. People who are creative, honest, openminded, and bring a little laughter & joy to the world. Human people.

I can’t explain how much they have influenced my life, helped me find my feet, given me love when I most need it – and more than anything – forgiven me for my idiocies (of which there have been far too many). And I know they will continue to inspire me, wherever I end up.

I don’t know how to show how grateful I am for having these people in my life. I just know that I am extremely fortunate.

Thank you.

2 thoughts on “when hope isn’t necessary anymore

  1. That’s a beautiful post from a beautiful fully human being Nishma. Gratitude, generosity, compassion, kindness and love are amazing things to have close by in times of struggle.

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