Silenced hearing, or the echoes of lies
We speak to silences, you, maybe, and I. In dark corners – we Scream, so our voices, desiccated turned to dust, are picked up like ash. Can you hear the…
travels through troubled times
We speak to silences, you, maybe, and I. In dark corners – we Scream, so our voices, desiccated turned to dust, are picked up like ash. Can you hear the…
I made a decision to resign from my position as London Young Greens co-chair today. Perhaps it was reactionary, but it was a long time coming. I see myself to…
Everyone has a right to free speech but only a few are heard. As World Social Forum 2013 opens its doors in Tunis today, I mused on how little the…
This is a repost of a piece written by Bethan Jones. Today I was found guilty in the Oxford Magistrates’ Court of causing “harassment, alarm and distress” following a peaceful…
As 6 million Kenyans cast their votes today, newscast and media has been awry with fears of violence. Rather than focusing on the political concerns that the candidates represent, international…
It’s us against the world, the old rhetoric goes. Much of my experience in activist circles has been fighting old dualistic battles: rich versus poor; Keynes versus Hayek; and West…
Spike Milligan wrote that his most inventive material was written during his depressive phases. Dostoevsky is credited with writing most of his work in mania – long tracts written in…
In his study of Governmentality, in amongst many other points of analysis, Foucault points to the de-estabilishment of the economy from the family framework as the turning point to our…
Last Thursday, LSE Student Union voted to ban the sales of the Sun newspaper from Union shops. The vote was advertised across campus, and took place in a Union General…
One of the beautiful aspects of Marge Piercy’s utopia in Woman on the edge of time is the natural process through which people explore sex. Unlike current society, sex is…